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3 Microdosing Myths Debunked: What This Ancient Practice Can (and Can't) Do

If you don’t know microdosing of psychedelics, this is an opportunity to discover an ancient way to help you get to the root cause of mental / physical / spiritual / emotional triggers and wounds. Psychedelic therapy has its origins in ancient times, when sacred plants were used in the spiritual context of shamanic rituals. Ready to dive in?

A person experiencing microdosing
Credit: Misty Magdalena Grace

In this blog post I’m having my wonderful sister-in-law, Misty Magdalena Grace as a guest. I asked her questions about using microdosing of psychedelics to align with a higher and better self, as well as her own journey with it.

Through this interview, Magdalena, a US-based health coach with a passion for alternative healing, draws on her extensive experience with microdosing psilocybin, ayahuasca, and psilohuasca. Through her own healing journey from addiction and trauma, she discovered the power of microdosing to support mental and emotional well-being. Now, she empowers others to navigate this practice effectively, dispelling common myths and guiding them towards lasting positive changes.

Please note that in Canada, the use of psychedelic substances (hallucinogens)  such as psilocybin, ayahuasca (truffles or magic mushrooms) and psilohuasca for mental health purposes is regulated and only available under exemption from Health Canada's special access programs.

Disclamer: It's important to remember that the information in this text is based on the guest's experience and should not be taken as medical advice. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, including microdosing.

1) What is microdosing?

I can define microdosing in two key ways:

  • Dosage: Microdosing refers to taking a very small amount of a psychedelic substance, typically 500mg or less of psilocybin or a very small tincture drop of ayahuasca. This is significantly lower than the amount used in a macrodose (deep dive).

  • Effect: Microdosing works subtly in the background, aiming to enhance focus, reduce anxiety, and elevate consciousness. It shouldn't cause hallucinations or disrupt daily life.

Microdosing creates a subtle shift and doesn't provide a quick fix. It's most effective when combined with healthy habits and a commitment to lifestyle changes.

2) What are the reasons why someone might consider microdosing psilocybin or ayahuasca?

A seated woman surrounded by the benefits of microdosing.
Credit: Misty Magdalena Grace

There are several reasons:

  • Subtle Enhancement: microdosing as a way to achieve a gentle positive shift in daily life. It can potentially improve focus, reduce anxiety, and elevate consciousness without causing hallucinations or disrupting daily activities.

  • Support for Healing: microdosing can be a helpful tool alongside other practices for various healing journeys. It can be used for: Addiction Recovery: While not a cure, some clients with sugar cravings experienced improvement with microdosing ayahuasca, possibly by making them more receptive to addressing the underlying emotional causes of addiction. Trauma Release:  microdosing by itself might not be enough for deep trauma healing. However, it can be a helpful bridge in the process, particularly when combined with deep dives (macrodoses) and integration work. General Well-being:  microdosing aids in meditation practice, finding balance, and reconnecting with one's true self.

  • Bridge Between Deep Dives: microdosing as a way to maintain some of the benefits of deep dives (macrodoses) in daily life. Deep dives can be intense and require support, while microdosing allows for a more continuous, subtle integration of the medicine's effects.

It's important to note that:

  • microdosing is not a magic bullet. It requires commitment to healthy habits and lifestyle changes to see significant results.

  • microdosing won’t help those with existing addictions. Deep dives might be a more effective starting point.

  • Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting microdosing is crucial.


3) What is your own experience with microdosing psilocybin and/or ayahuasca?

I have been microdosing with psilocybin and/or ayahuasca or psilohuasca for nearly 3 years, off and on. Here are some aspects of my experience:

  • Goals and Phases: I used microdosing for various goals throughout my healing process, including overcoming addictive behaviors, deepening my meditation practice, and releasing trauma.

  • Benefits: I experienced positive effects like feeling lighter, more connected to nature, and having less anxiety.

  • Limitations: microdosing alone wasn't enough for deep healing, particularly regarding trauma. I found deep dives (macrodoses) with trained professionals and integration work to be more effective for profound shifts.

  • Bridge Between Deep Dives: I see microdosing as a bridge that allowed me to integrate the insights and positive changes from deep dives into my daily life.


My experience showed me microdosing's potential as a tool for personal growth and healing, but it’s important to combine it with other practices and professional support.


4) Have you faced any challenges with microdosing?


Absolutely I did face challenges on my own with microdosing (before having some guidance).

I didn’t know what dosage to utilize, nor did I know how important nutrition was during dosing. I didn't know which days were appropriate or inappropriate to do the treatment and I actually had a big anxiety attack in the first week of doing it myself without any support.

I quickly learned that there is a very specific protocol that is best, which prescribes what to eat and drink and NOT to eat and drink. I also learned that microdosing of psychedelics is NOTHING like taking supplements or any other type of medical pharmaceuticals. It truly requires sacred practice and intention setting to get the best results possible!


This is also why I became a coach!


5) What are the common misconceptions about microdosing psilocybin or ayahuasca?

There are three main misconceptions:

  • Myth # 1: Microdosing will cause hallucinations or trip-like experiences. False! Microdosing uses much smaller quantities than a macrodose and shouldn't disrupt daily life.

  • Myth # 2: Microdosing is a magic bullet for healing trauma or brain issues. False! it works subtly and requires commitment to lifestyle changes and potentially deep dives (macrodoses) for significant healing.

  • Myth # 3: Microdosing can cure addictions by simply replacing addictive behaviors. False! It won't address the root cause of addiction and might not be helpful on its own. It might even be counterproductive for those with existing addictions.

6) How does microdosing differ from a macrodose (deep dive)?

Microdosing and macrodosing contrats in several ways:

  • Dosage: Microdosing uses a much lower amount (around 500mg or less) compared to a macrodose which can be several times higher (up to 6 grams for some).

  • Effects: Microdosing works subtly in the background, aiming to enhance focus, reduce anxiety, and elevate consciousness. Macrodoses can induce visuals, somatic releases, and deep emotional processing.

  • Suitability: Microdosing is considered more suitable for daily use, while macrodoses are life-changing experiences that require support and integration due to their intensity.

7) What is required alongside microdosing to make it efficient?

It’s most effective when accompanied by:

  • Healthy habits: Proper sleep, nutritious diet, meditation, and healthy boundaries are crucial for maximizing the benefits.

  • Embodiment: actively integrating the medicine's effects into your life by creating new habits and shifting your mindset.

  • Deep work: For significant healing, especially from trauma or addiction, I suggest shadow work, which refers to working on the dark side of ourselves  and potentially deep dives (macrodoses) for deeper emotional processing.

8) Why do you advise against microdosing for those with addictions?

I discourage microdosing for people with addictions because of:

  • The limited effectiveness: it won't address the underlying emotional causes of addiction.

  • The risk of replacing habits: It might lead to simply swapping the addictive behavior for microdosing without addressing the root issue.

  • The potential for deep dives that is more suitable to these people: deep dives might be a more effective starting point for those struggling with addiction.

Corinne: Thank you Magdalena for enlightening us about microdosing.

Magdalena: Thank you Corinne for welcoming me to your blog.

Photo of Misty Magdalena Grace
Misty Magdalena Grace


Magdalena Grace is a health coach specializing in microdosing for health goals. She has a background in body/mind health and fitness and utilizes her own 3-year microdosing journey to help clients achieve their goals. Learn more about microdosing by visiting her website.

Connect with Misty Magdalena Grace on Instagram.

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(Ma qualité de vie means My quality of life in French.)


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